When Will They Condemn?
Have you ever wondered why Muslims are asked ad nauseam to condemn violence against innocent people? Yet, all our major Islamic organizations (CAIR/ ISNA/ ICNA/ TDC/ ETC.) are ignored, even though they have condemned and continue to condemn? Why the condemnations that we have already expressed never seem enough?
NOW, it is our turn to tables a bit, and ask the Russians, the Israelis, the Indians, and all those who are torturing and killing innocent human beings around the world, why are you not condemning the actions of your fellow country-men/government? That these human beings are Muslims should not matter the least, even though I would be naive to actually believe that. Why are you not standing up against state-terrorism? And why limit it to these three nations, why don't you (all the "enlightened" citizens of the West), who keep prodding Muslims to have a march to condemn what we have NOTHING to do with, stand up and condemn what these ruthless states are doing to Muslims? Don't you see how these very real and sad images of inhumanity could be misused to feed the scourge of terrorism? On our part, we will continue to condemn the butchers who are acting in the name of Islam. But, the real question to our non-Muslim friends is, when will you condemn the terror in the name of States.
Post-Script: The video is from turntoislam.com, a prominent Islamic website. Since I don't speak Arabic, I cannot translate all that is narrated in the video for non-Arabic speaking viewers. However, much of it is in English, and the scenes of despair and loss are quite gut-wrenching. When we see such videos, we, as Muslims, should make dua' to Allah for the innocent souls that have departed and ask Allah to grant patience to their family members, and to seek protection of innocent civilians left behind. I remind everyone that these videos should never lead us to a greater injustice, of seeking revenge upon other innocents, or being unjust in our dealings with other human beings. Two harams never make a halal, and you can take that to the bank!
well Akhi...they don't simply want condemnations....
What they want is Muslims to turn against one another...brother (in Islam) against brother...a civil war amongst Muslims...
until no one strong enough is left standing.
Extreme right wingers call for "civil war" in the Palestinian territories and they justify Shia killings of innocent Iraqis as some kind of just revenge.
they no longer care for condemnations or apologies...
they simply want to foment war...nothing more nothing less
Yeah they do condemn terrorism all the time. But the definition of terrorism is this "any act of violence, or act of defiance, or being vocal about suppression, done by muslim only is an act of terrorism"
Brother, the issue at hand isn't really about that they don't want to condemn. The issue is that they call it "internal" conflict and that no one should interfere with their affairs. But when they can't find the culprit or when the culprit is from the ranks of their enemies, they condemn. It's just a propaganda thing.
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